13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview


Showtime: 7:30pm

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About the Show

Comedic Relief with Theater Performance

SOCORRO – [Press Release for El Defensor Chieftain]  Take a break from your studies, worries and the COVID-19 drama with a little comedic relief on Thursday, Nov. 19. New Mexico Tech’s CLASS Department presents “13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview.” The play will be live-streamed at NM Techs’ Macey Center at 7:30pm, with link available at

The theater students chose a play that was “really silly because of the situation we’re all in,” said Professor Theresa Apodaca. They have been rehearsing in the Jean Macey Recital Hall using correct distancing guidelines. While rehearsing,

When two college recruiters at a prestigious university need to fill one last spot to keep their jobs, thirteen eccentric, dimwitted and slightly-insane potential students are eager to come in for an interview. What seems like a simple task turns into a nightmare when the applicants turn out to be a reality TV star, a practicing vampire, an amateur magician, a Stepfordish wife and others that are much, much worse. Each applicant’s interview hilariously illustrates what NOT to do at a college interview.

As for rehearsals: “It’s not been an ideal situation,” says Theresa. “Sometimes it has felt like a play within a play--a comedy in a drama or a drama in a comedy.” 

The play features interviewers Luke Dierks, Justin Aley; and would-be students Marshall Gold, Aaron Gonzales, Nathan Reynolds, Christopher Atlee Gaddis, Logan Miranda, Erik Frederickson, Connor Butler, Trevor Fields, Ruben Rodriguez-Hernandez, and Margarita Sandoval. Some play multiple roles, adding to the enjoyment and fun.

Theresa Apodaca herself plays a role in the comedy, and Sheri Armijo has been in charge of costumes.  “All the students have been great to work with,” she said. “They really like coming here, not just staring at a computer screen. There’s good energy in the face to face interactions.”

Cast of Characters

Interviewer 1 – Luke Dierks

Interviewer 2 – Justin Aley

Harold – Marshall Gold

Kimberly – Aaron Gonzales

Producer – Nathan Reynolds

Maria – Christopher Atlee Gaddis

Brett – Logan Miranda

Lily – Erik Frederickson

Melvin – Christopher Atlee Gaddis

Kelly – Theresa Apodaca

Jeff – Connor Butler

Eve – Nathan Reynolds

Elizabeth – Trevor Fields

Ben – Ruben Rodriguez-Hernandez

Jason – Christopher Atlee Gaddis

Emily – Margarita Sandoval

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