

总统室内乐系列II:钢琴 & 字符串

Join Willy Sucre and friends Piano and String Quintets by Dohnányi and Dvořák.


Showtime: 7:30pm
地点: Macey中心

恩斯特·冯Dohnányi (1877-1960)


    Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904)
             Dumka:行板(Andante con motto

Krzysztof Zimowski is currently the concertmaster of the New Mexico Philharmonic and 西南交响乐团. For more than a decade, he was the concertmaster and featured 前新墨西哥交响乐团的独奏家.

Born in Wroclaw, Poland, he began his musical studies at the age of six. 1977年,他 received his master's degree with honors from the Academy 的音乐 in Wroclaw. 后 participating in the 1978 Carl Flesch International Violin Competition, he continued 他在伦敦莫利音乐学院的学习. 的首席小提琴手 the State Opera Orchestra in Wroclaw, Zimowski joined the Mexico City Philharmonic 1981年管弦乐队. In 1985 he was appointed concertmaster of that orchestra and toured 欧洲,南美和美国. 1986年,他搬到新墨西哥州帮忙 form the Helios String Quartet, the ensemble-in-residence of the Placitas Artists 1997年之前的系列. Zimowski lives in Albuquerque with his wife, Urszula, also a musician.

Julanie Collier Lee joins Willy Sucre and 朋友 for a third season. 她是会员 of the New Mexico Philharmonic, performs with Opera Southwest, and maintains a teaching 工作室. 她 was a member of the New Mexico Symphony for 22 years and the Chamber Orchestra 阿尔伯克基的. 她 graduated from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory 的音乐 and attended Converse College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. 她一直在 a member of the Boulder Philharmonic, Cheyenne Symphony, Richmond Symphony (Indiana), 以及列克星敦爱乐乐团. 她的夏季节日经历包括 three years with the National Repertory Orchestra, Music at Penn’s Woods, and the 阿斯彭音乐节.

Lee serves on the leadership committee of the New Mexico Philharmonic Player’s Association and is the American Federation 的音乐ians Local 618 Union Representative for the NMPhil.

Willy Sucre is a member of the New Mexico Philharmonic and is the driving force behind 《威利·苏克雷 & 朋友”音乐会. 苏克雷出生于玻利维亚的拉巴斯,曾就读于 Conservatorio Nacional de Música in La Paz; Colby College Chamber Music Institute in Waterville, Maine; Mannes School 的音乐 in New York; and the Peabody Conservatory 在马里兰州的巴尔的摩.

He was conductor and music director of the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra, assistant conductor and principal violist of the Canada Symphony Orchestra in Montreal, assistant conductor and assistant principal violist of the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra, and principal violist and guest conductor of the National Symphony of Bolivia, the Chamber Orchestra of La Paz, and the Albuquerque Chamber Orchestra. 作为一名室内音乐家, Sucre was the founder of the Cuarteto Boliviano, guest violist with various chamber music ensembles, and for ten years the violist of the Helios String Quartet.

Sucre’s experience includes extensive chamber music concerts, lectures, school demonstrations, CD recordings, and television performances throughout South, Central, and North America. He spends most of his summers in South America looking for new works of chamber music by modern composers and encouraging composers to write new pieces, especially piano 四重奏. He enjoys performing with ensembles of diverse instrumentation.

Joan Zucker, principal cellist of the New Mexico Philharmonic, has been a major player 在过去的30年里在新墨西哥的音乐界. 她是…的首席大提琴手 the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra from 1987 to 2010, and has played with many of New Mexico's finest ensembles, from the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival and Opera, to 专业音乐和聊天. 她曾担任协奏曲独奏家和独奏家 in numerous chamber groups and orchestras in the United States and Venezuela. 她 was a member of the Filarmonica de Caracas and soloist and principal cellist with 梅里达爱乐乐团. Her frequent televised performances with Cuarteto Internacional 获得了评论界的高度赞誉.

A jazz cellist for a short time, and currently with the non-classical group 她pherd Moon, Zucker is a versatile musician who has taught extensively (cello, recorder, piano, voice, orchestra, chamber music, theory, composition and improvisation) both privately and at various institutions, including the University of California Santa 伊萨卡学院和新墨西哥大学. 她最近开了一家 business, “Cello to Go,” giving intimate, informal house concerts of eclectic music she has arranged for solo cello, followed by mini cello lessons for those brave enough 来试试她230年的班克斯大提琴. 她是土生土长的纽约人,拥有音乐学位 来自本宁顿学院和伊萨卡学院.

Sandra Rivers enjoys a reputation today as one of the foremost performing artists 她那一代人. 她 has concertized throughout the world and has appeared at the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center, Tanglewood, Aspen, the Schleswig-Holstein Festival, the Kennedy Center, and on the Great Performers Series at Lincoln Center. 她曾在世界上大多数主要音乐厅演出过.

In recent seasons she has appeared with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Oakland East Bay Symphony Orchestra, and with the Wilmington Community Orchestra. 她做了 her debut in London, England with members of the Serafin String Quartet. 本赛季 she will be a guest artist with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players.

Ms. Rivers is currently on the keyboard faculty of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory 的音乐. 


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