

Xbox creator and NMT alum Ed Fries recalls supports he received on campus

斯蒂芬·G总裁. 威尔斯和艾德·弗莱斯
新墨西哥科技公司总裁Stephen G. 威尔斯(左)与埃德·弗里斯合影,他是86届NMT和 Xbox视频游戏的开发者,在大学的发明家 & 4月企业家工作坊 14, 2023.

索科罗,N.M. – Emerging 发明家s could access resources and support – from intellectual property information to patent advice to venture capital leads – at a workshop aimed at providing 一个网络和思想交流的平台. 第六届发明家大会 & 企业家 Workshop, hosted by the 威尼斯人app下载 创新商业化办公室 (伊斯兰会议组织), brought together more than 100 发明家s and investors from Socorro County and beyond for the two-day seminar held April 13-14, 2023, on the Socorro campus.

Keynote speaker Ed Fries, former Microsoft vice president and Xbox video game system creator,  inspired the audience with anecdotes from his college days at NMT during 80年代中期和他作为一个“偶然的企业家”的生活.弗里斯说这很有趣 to be back on the campus where he studied computer science, once lived in West Hall, 还做了一份兼职系统管理员. 弗里斯说他不仅学到了 programming languages, he “learned the science of computer science” at NMT, crediting the rigorous curriculum and support from faculty members for helping him achieve success 毕业后.

Dr. Myrriah喝
Dr. Myrriah喝, executive director of the 威尼斯人app下载 Office of Innovation Commercialization, welcomes students, alumni, 发明家s, and investors to the sixth 一年一度的发明家 & 4月企业家工作坊 14, 2023, at 菲德尔学生中心.

 “Tech was amazing,” he said, adding that he’s accomplished things in his career he couldn’t have imagined when he was a college student from Seattle, Washington, who 来到索科罗时,一个人都不认识.

Fries, who retired from Microsoft at age 40 after 18 years with the software company to go on to found more companies and start a venture fund to support independent game developers around the world, shared with the audience his motto that “If your job isn’t fun you’re not doing it right” and encouraged them to follow their passion.

The event included an overview of assistance available from the U.S. 专利与商标 Office and the Technology Commercialization Accelerator in Socorro, a panel on diversity, equity, and inclusion and social entrepreneurship, and a special presentation on growing 新墨西哥太空经济. 其他讲者包括:

Dr. Donghyeon Ryu
Dr. Donghyeon Ryu, associate professor of mechanical engineering at NMT and co-founder and chief technology officer at RD Health Sensing, shared the development and progress 用于医疗和健身应用的可穿戴传感器.
  • Dr. Donghyeon Ryu, associate professor of mechanical engineering at NMT and co-founder and chief technology officer at RD Health Sensing, who shared his progress in developing 用于医疗和健身应用的可穿戴传感器
  • Dr. Michael Doyle, vice president for research at NMT, who shared a case study in his journey as a successful researcher, 发明家, and entrepreneur
  • Christopher Nance, NMT graduate student and math teacher at Socorro High School, who invented a space-saving product for storing bakeware in kitchens, and current challenges 当他把潘氏食品柜带到市场时.
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