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Financial Aid Information For

Current Students

Current Student FAQs

How do I apply for federal student aid?

Visit www.fafsa.ed.gov to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and ensure that our school code (002654) is added.

Is it too late to apply for the spring semester?

No, it isn’t too late to apply for financial aid. Just be aware that the funds may not be available in time to pay your bill by the due date

What is my student account?

你的学生账户列出了学费和杂费,以及食宿费(如果有的话) you live on-campus). Once you have registered, you can view your semester charges on BanWeb.

When is financial aid applied to my student account?

你的学生账户会在开课前一周贷到助学金, provided that all items in BanWeb are satisfied and you are registered full-time.

When do I need to pay my balance?

余额在每节课的第一天到期(或者必须制定付款计划) semester. Please visit for instructions to set up a payment plan 

What if my financial aid paperwork is not complete in time to pay the balance?

如果你的文书工作没有在上课前完成,你需要做其他的 arrangements to pay the bill. If financial aid comes in later, it will first be applied to any remaining balance. Once the balance has been paid, any remaining funds would be refunded to the student.

如果你打算申请学生贷款,入学咨询和主期票 Note must be completed at least a week before the start of the semester. These items should be completed online at www.studentloans.gov 

My financial aid is more than what I owe to NMT. What happens to the excess funds?

A refund will automatically be created when there is a credit on your account. Refund checks are available Fridays during fall/spring semesters. Alternately, you can set up direct deposit via TouchNet to receive your refund.

注意:如果您的超额金额小于100美元,您需要去收银台 to request it

What do I do with a scholarship check given to me by an outside organization?

请带上你收到的任何奖学金支票(即使支票是可支付的) to you) to the Financial Aid Office to be processed to your student account.

How do I receive the work-study amount listed on my financial aid award?

Work-study is earned throughout the semester based on the number of hours worked. Students are paid bi-weekly in the form of a paycheck

要找一份勤工俭学的工作,你可以向就业服务办公室查询,利用他们的 online database, or check with a department directly to see if they are hiring.

How do I apply for the Legislative Lottery Scholarship?

我们会自动审查每个NM学生是否有资格获得立法彩票 Scholarship. If you think that you should be eligible and it is not reflected on your financial aid award, please contact Financial Aid.

The criteria to receive the scholarship are: be a NM resident, graduate from a NM 高中毕业或获得NM GED/HiSET,开始在NM公立高等教育学校就读 在高中毕业或GED/HiSET日期后的16个月内,并获得 at least 15 credits in the first semester with a semester GPA of 2.5 or higher

Are accommodations available for students with disabilities?

Students with documented disabilities may obtain a referral from the NMT Office of Student Access Services at NMT to be applied towards NMT and/or Legislative Lottery Scholarships. The student 是否可以只修6个学时就可以继续获得奖学金 funds


到菲德尔中心2楼的金融援助办公室来,给我们打电话 at 575-835- 5333, or e-mail us at financial_aid@azarnewsonline.com.

Upcoming FAFSA Dates

Event Date
2023 FAFSA becomes available for completion  Oct. 1, 2022
FAFSA Completion for best consideration March 1, 2023
Fall 2021 Admittance Deadline for Scholarship Consideration (Freshmen) March 1, 2023
Fall 2021 Admittance Deadline for Scholarship Consideration (Transfer)  April 1, 2023

Awards and Disbursements

Sophomore Year Research Program

二年级研究计划将为新生提供入学机会 有机会在大二期间与NMT教师一起进行早期研究 year. 该计划将为入学学生提供一些带薪职位 New Mexico Tech in the fall of 2021. Students will carry out collaborative research projects with faculty mentors starting the fall semester of 2022. These positions will enable students to work closely with faculty for approximately 10 hours/week during their sophomore year. Students can expect to gain basic research skills, hands on experience, and one-on-one time with a faculty mentor. To see the advantages of research as an undergraduate please visit:

If selected into the program, students will be introduced to their faculty mentor at the beginning of the spring 2022 semester. The spring semester is an introductory 学生和教员互相熟悉的时间 for the student to be introduced to the general research area.

学生们将以带薪研究员的身份进入大二,获得宝贵的经验 working on a collaborative project with their faculty mentor. Near the conclusion 在他们大二的时候,学生们将在 Student Research Symposium (SRS). For more information on the SRS, please visit: http://isss.azarnewsonline.com/srs/.

Application details will be provided in the Fall of 2021.

Contact Financial Aid

Office Hours: new hours until further notice Monday - Friday 8 AM-4 PM

Location: Second floor of Fidel Center. Bear left at the top of the stairs; we are just past the Cashier's Office

Email: financial_aid@azarnewsonline.com

Mailing Address:  
New Mexico Tech - Financial Aid
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801

Phone: 575-835-5333

Fax: 575-835-6519